Prevention Strategies
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Community Prevention Strategies
The prevention strategies in Van Buren County are designed specifically to target substance abuse within the community. These programs, offering help at all ages, are close at hand and readily available for anyone at anytime. Included in these programs are education, awareness, training, and guidance for those experiencing a problem with substance abuse.
Iowa Partnership For Success Funds (IPFS)
The Van Buren County SAFE Coalition, through the Van Buren Community Schools, received the Iowa Partnerships for Success grant from the Iowa Department of Public Health. The initial project period is from February 1, 2015 to September 29, 2015 with up to four additional years of funding available to reduce underage drinking and underage binge drinking with 12 to 20 year olds. The SAFE Coalition will implement at least three environmental strategies and at least one individual strategy to address underage drinking and underage binge drinking using the Strategic Prevention Framework.
IPFS Handbooks, Guides, and Workbooks
IPFS Completed Documents
Van Buren Community High School Warrior Pure Performance
The Van Buren Community High School has implemented Warrior Pure Performance. This is a program to encourage the students to be healthier in every aspect of their lives. It encourages them to eat healthy, be active in sports and extra curricular activities, stay away from drugs, alcohol, tobacco and illegal activities, earn good grades and be the best they can be. This program includes holding a recognition assembly once a year, posters recognizing student’s achievements and activities and an updated code of conduct.
Van Buren Community Schools Code of Conduct
Merchant Services
The SAFE Coalition can provide materials, trainings, and assistance with policy change to any merchant in Van Buren County. Services are Free and are provided at your convenience. For more information on services available, vew our brochure or contact us at 319-293-3334 ext. 1017, or email The Alcohol Merchant Education Program was put in motion in the fall of 2005. It strives to prevent substance abuse among minors by educating local business employees. It offers free training and materials to alcohol merchants, informing them of the consequences of selling to a minor. In exchange for participation, businesses receive free public relations promoting their
involvement, as well as a possible drop in insurance costs.
Merchant Services Brochure
Manager Training Binder
Merchant Incentive Program
Iowa ABD I-Pact
Iowa ABD I-Alert
Iowa ABD I-Pledge
Iowa ABD Downloadable Materials
Smoke Free Air Act
In the spring of 2008, Iowa lawmakers passed legislation to protect employees and the general public. The Smoke Free Air Act prohibits smoking in almost all public places and enclosed areas within places of employment, as well as some outdoor areas.
The law applies to: restaurants, bars, outdoor entertainment events and amphitheaters. It also covers places of employment such as office buildings, health care facilities, and child care facilities. Smoking is allowed on the gaming floor of a licensed casino, as well as designated hotel and motel rooms. For more information about the smoke free air act visit:
Smoke Free Air Act
Keg Registration
On Thursday, April 5, Governor Chet Culver signed into law House File 650, a bill that will require beer kegs purchased in Iowa to be registered with the retail establishments where they are sold. The law, which took effect statewide July 1, 2007, is intended to combat underage drinking by giving law enforcement officials a tool to track the sources of alcohol to minors. Perhaps equally as important, the law serves as a deterrent to adults and social hosts who may otherwise provide kegs of beer to persons under 21. The state's keg registration law preempts county and municipal keg registration ordinances.
Keg Registration
This website was made possible by The Van Buren County SAFE Coalition, The Van Buren Community School District,
Iowa Partnership for Success, Iowa Department of Public Health, and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)