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Van Buren County CSD



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Van Buren County SAFE Coalition seeks to stimulate community involvement to promote responsible behaviors, among youth and adults leading to SAFE and healthy communities.


Next SAFE Meeting:
November 19 - 4:30 pm with Light Refreshments at 4:15 pm - VBCH - Community Services Center

December 17 - 4:30 pm with Light Refreshments at 4:15 pm - VBCH - Community Services Center

January 21 - 4:30 pm with LIght Refreshments at 4:15 pm - VBCH - Community Services Center

Social Host Ordinance Video

Alcohol Restrictions for Community Events Video

Community Services Directory

"Talk. They hear you." App

Beer Excise Tax Educational Video Link

Be Aware:

  • Alcohol abuse costs all Iowans
  • Low beer excise taxes result in more youth drinking
  • Pocket change can create change for a healthier and safer Iowa
  • Proven it protects youth from alcohol abuse
  • Good for all Iowans by funding prevention, treatment, and enforcement
  • It's time for a change

Think About It Educational Video Link 

Risks of Legalizing Marijuana Education Video Link

In a 2012 study, individuals who started using cannabis in adolescence and used it for years afterward showed an average decline in IQ of 8 points when their age 13 and age 38 IQ tests were compared. Quitting pot did not appear to reverse the loss. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
According to SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), marijuana use rose to 7.5% of users aged 12 or older in 2013. This is up from 6.2% of users in 2002. Additional NSDUH findings on marijuana include: 19.8 million (7.5%) people were current (past month) users of marijuana in 2013, making it the most used illicit drug; 
Marijuana use was most prevalent among people age 18 to 25 (with 19.1% using it in the past month); 7.1% of people aged 12 to 17 reported using marijuana; A higher percentage of males (9.7%) used marijuana in the past month than females (5.6%).

If you care about employment…you need to care about cannabis use. Employees who abuse drugs are 10 times more likely to miss work; 3.6 times more likely to be involved in on-the-job incidents; and 5 times more likely to file workers’ compensation claims. (American Council for Drug Education, New York)


This website was made possible by The Van Buren County SAFE Coalition, The Van Buren Community School District, Iowa Partnership for Success, Iowa Department of Public Health, and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).